This was our final project for GMAP345, a class I took as a Drexel GDAP undergrad. (Fall 2023). The project was worked on for 10 weeks, implementing functionality and features that we learned in class. The focus of this project wasn't necessarily to create the most elaborate game ever, but to polish a simple concept.

Braden - I worked on game functionality like the player controller, enemy behavior, game loop, and attack system. I also went out of my comfort zone in a few areas:

1. Character animations - I used a free cat model from Mixamo and gave it a full range of animations for the game. This was a great introduction to using Blender to create and export animations. I also implemented these animations into Unity using the Animation system. I'm especially proud of the attack animation, as subtlety like the paw growing a bit on impact and the ability to rapidly slash were intentionally designed make the attack as satisfying as possible.

2. Particle effects - I wanted all the effects to be impactful and evocative. The effects you see for the slash attack, noxious clouds, and on hit were all done by myself. I also added some animation flourishes to pre-made effects like the power up pickup. This was a great introduction to the Unity particle system and all its uses.